Wednesday, January 21, 2009

lose something?

I was at a wrapping party before Christmas. Some of the wives got together (that sounds polygamist) to wrap all the gifts without being bothered. Everybody brought some kind of snack to share. Somebody brought apples and I think it was caramel dip? I dunno but I had some. I was sitting on the couch munching away waiting for others to show up. (I'm friends with the others from lost. =D) I don't remember how it happened but I think Kaila made a grab for my plate and it went flying! I had three apple slices on it but I could only find two. I looked under the couch, by the end table, all over the floor. It was no where to be seen. I gave up and began to wrap presents.
About an hour later I decided it was time to go home because Kaila was helping me unwrap presents instead of wrap them. I grabbed my shoes to put them on and I sat down and felt a lump by my ankle. I FOUND THE APPLE SLICE! It was in the cuff of my pants. A little background as to why I couldn't find it. The sewing machine and I are not friends. I bought a pair of pants that was slightly too long. So I decided just to have a cuff . . . . that is 4 inches long. So that's why I couldn't find the apple. Moral of the story: hem your pants!

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