Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Hotel Burnett de casa

In building out the basement of my brother in law we have come upon issues that I'm sure lots of people come across. The MONEY issue. We came to a stand still and couldn't go much further without this so called money.

Through Travis's work they are connected to this thing called Tradia where you can do work for trade and get other things back. Well we dove in and searched for carpet. It took awhile for them to get back to us and then they told us how things would go down. They would come install the carpet for free and we could get whatever surplus carpet they had for free. All we had to do was buy the padding. I figured we could do that.

So Travis went to pick up the carpet samples we could choose from. Over the phone he sounded really excited. IT WAS A CRUEL JOKE! He came back with grey pokey office carpet and this weird flower carpet that looks like it came from a hotel!!!

I asked Travis what other options we had like getting remnants or something. But it all came back to that one thing, MONEY. So we decided to go with the flower looking hotel carpet.

So now I have my very own hotel! The weird thing is it goes with every color we painted on the wall. The girls room has pink in it, the hallway is green and the other rooms are browny beige. and it hides things a little too well. We keep stepping on little toys and what not because it blends in with the carpet.

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