Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Awww the Santa pictures. It's nice to not have grumpy children even though they make the best pictures. This is the 7th year with this same Santa and I think I'm going to stop going there.
Normally when we go to visit Santa there is a line with some cheesy decorations and you can bring your own camera if you want along with their service of taking pictures. This year it was way to high tech and over stimulating. They had the Christmas music playing and all these different buttons and movies and crazy lights. It was very over stimulating. And you HAD to buy one of their picture packages if you wanted to use your camera. We stood in line for an hour but Shali was so excited to see him that I didn't want to tell her we are going somewhere else. So if they use this same company again representing Santa we will be going somewhere else. Sorry for my rant but aren't the girls CUTE!

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