Friday, December 5, 2008

Its not easy picking green.

Some of you may know that we are in the process of building out a basement. We are now into the fifth month of working on this and we are finally painting. Which means I have to pick out colors!!
My old house was blue with a blue kitchen and a tan room here and there. Travis rushed me to pick out all the colors for the whole house in one night and I wasn't happy with it but I didn't want to fork out the money to repaint it. So yesterday, Travis tried to force that upon me again and pick out everything all out once. OH! but I have learned this time.
Tara and I went to Lowe's a few days earlier and picked out "Hazy Jade" for the kitchen/dining area. I left the sample at her house and of course it was lost. So I met Travis at the paint store thinking it would be no problem to find a similar color because I already had one picked out.
Low and behold I walk to the paint samples and there are 50 different kinds of GREEN!!

After awhile they all started looking the same color of green. My brain turned to mush and I went eeny meany miney mo. Use that green. And after all of that Travis tried to get me to pick the color for our bedroom.

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