On my third round of perusing the food I discovered something that almost made me vomit when I saw the name: DEEP FRIED FROG LEGS! I quickly walked past it and told Smelly and Candilander my discovery. Even though Smelly had three full plates in front of her she made me get up so she could go try this so called delicacy.
It's really gross because even though it is fried, all I can think about is the slimy frog leg.
Here is Emily eating the leg. I know its a blurry picture but it still captures the true face of how she felt. What made it worse was she saw the tendon in the leg. She put the rest down and covered it with her napkin. Yup, I knew not to eat a frog leg.
I still want to hurl at the thought of the deep fried frog legs.
All those poor little frogs on crutches!
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