Thursday, September 3, 2009
Well the other day I went to the movies and on my way out, Lo and behold . . . I FOUND A FAIL!!!!
I was so excited I whipped out my spiffy iphone to take a picture and here it is folks.
If you can't read the sign it says
"No Motorized vehicles allowed on sidewalks"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My thoughts of today (yes I have them occasionally)
I sat across from this guy in a white shirt in tie. He scooted up right next to the window and his legs were shaking. "What is this guys problem?" I thought he might be a missionary who lost his companion but that went away when I noticed no little black name tag.
My niece Brooklyn came and sat by me and he scooted over even more and was practically staring straight up looking at the top of the buildings. Here are the things I began to think he was nervous about:
small places
worried his parents would yell at him for talking to strangers
Eventually another bench opened up closer to my sister so I moved over there to give this guy some space. He only relaxed a little bit. My thought is if being on the trax makes you that nervous, why are you there.
My second thought of the day happened when I turned into my neighborhood and saw a lady working in her yard. If you're going to work in the yard in a camisole PLEASE OH PLEASE where a bra!!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Harry Potter and what fun it brings.
I knew there would be people dressing up so I brought along the camera and I'm glad I did. There were some great costumes.
I think this guy was just dressing up like a wizard but I thought he reminded me of Neville.
You can't see it real well but his hair was redder in person and I thought he looked like Ron but he said he dressed up as Fred.
This is the best McGonagall I've ever seen!
He wins the award for the night of being the Nimbus 2000!
There was another couple I saw that I couldn't get a picture of. One was dressed as Lucius Malfoy. He was carrying around his wig but I thought he did a good job. And the girl that was with him did a real good job of being Narcissa.
I thought the movie was pretty good. The thing I didn't like was there was supposed to be a major battle at the end! And there was NOTHING! You would think that with all the money these movies make they could have a battle scene. Pretty much everything after they left the cave was a let down. I'd still watch it though.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dressing up for a night out.
I was meeting my friend there who introduced me to x-men back in the day. I arrived early and was expecting to see people dressed up because who else but crazy people would go to the midnight showing on opening day!
To my dismay, I was very disappointed. I saw a ton of people walk by and no one was dressed up! I didn't see an x-men symbol either. The closest thing I saw was a little boy in a spiderman sweater.
My friend finally arrived and right behind her were three boys in white tank tops and here's the funny part. They used a black marker to draw on a beard to look like Wolverine!!! We decided it was because they were not mature enough to grow a beard. but kudos to them!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
box fun!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
oh what a lovely view
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Music Survey
What they do is they play 5-10 seconds of 500 songs. You fill in little bubbles and rate them.
Last time I did this I sat next to this annoying girl who sang along with every single 5-10 second song. Ya, that got old REAL fast. You know its going to end in 5 seconds but no! She had to sing along with the 4 words that were played.
This time it was much better but the people were very non social. The girl next to me read her book during a break and the other girl was texting on her phone. It turns out that we did the survey for the local radio station X96. And Todd Nukem came by after with his funny mohawk. There's a reason some people are on radio and not television.
In the end I made my 60 bucks in 3 hours. Oh ya!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Another edition of gross things kids do
While we were in line to check out Savanna was getting in Kaila's face, as usual. Kaila tried to grab her wipey but what did Savanna do??? She gave Kaila the snot covered wipey to play with. I had to get it away from Kaila which made her cry.
Another note, while I was writing this I heard Savanna sneeze so I looked over at her. She licked her boogers.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Working at the car wash, oh oh oh oh
I first vacuumed out my car and I have not mastered the speed of vacuuming. I had to use 2 dollars. AND I moved the girls car seats and it was um ya gross. Nothing gooey or grimy just lots of crumbs.
We moved on to the do it yourself car wash! For two dollars I had four minutes to make my mini van beautiful! First the presoak, which after halfway through I decided I could get away with just doing this to wash my car. I decided to be good so I threw on the soap and then the foam brush. My girls loved the foam brush because there was tons of PINK to cover the car with.
While foaming the car I saw I only had a minute and a half. I put in another dollar, its all I had left in quarters. Now was time for the rinsing. I must be a perfectionist but those darn bubbles would not come off! I made it around to the front of my car and the sprayer turned off! I didn't hear any beeps! Stupid car wash, not warn me when I'm out of time. So I had to go get two more dollars just to turn it on.
I put in the two dollars for four more minutes. I went to grab the sprayer which I did not put back in its holster. I wasn't the smartest person for doing that. It had whipped itself around and underneath the van. I started to pull on it and it didn't move. I pulled harder and it whipped out and turned in circles making its way back under the van. It was like trying to catch a wild animal! I slowly worked my way up the hose as it kept spinning. I had to jump over the nozzle once or twice than I grabbed it! I came out fairly unscathed. I finished spraying off the van and saw I had more than two minutes. What was I going to do for two minutes! I turned it to the tire/engine setting and sprayed one tire then I said forget it and drove away. Now I have a clean car. HOORAY!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hmmmm, sort of glad I moved.
I also heard about a break-in in that neighborhood that involved two little girls.
My personal vendetta
Well its been about two months now since that phone call. I finally got enough courage to go through the box. I opened it and found droppings but I prevailed. There were a couple dresses that the mouse had eaten but most of them survived. The top of the box was the dresses and I found where a lot of the clothes I had been looking for were. I pulled out a couple things and then I saw it. THE MOUSE!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!
I was outside and ran around the trailer five or six times squealing. I called Travis and he said he would take care of it when he came home. But then I would be thinking about that mouse ALL day. So I decided to take care of it myself. I walked back over to the box and looked at it then ran around some more squealing. (this is not my proudest moment, I thought I was braver). I found a caulk gun and decided to use that to move the mouse into the bag. I tried to shove it over. Its tail moved from me touching it so I round around the trailer some more, squealing.
After about five or six tries I finally got it in the bag and in the trash. Then I decided to toss the rest of the box. I couldn't handle it anymore. The dresses are what I cared about anyway. The funny thing is there was a small part of me that thought the mouse was cute because it was snuggled up in the clothes asleep. well dead.
What's been hiding in your oven?
It started to smell funny to me. I've never used a gas oven before so I went upstairs to ask my inlaws if they would come down and see if it smelled funny to them. They said it was fine. I thought they were crazy because as soon as they went upstairs the smell became A LOT worse. I really didn't want that smell to stick to my lasagna. I turned off the oven, opened ALL the windows and cooked the lasagna in the microwave.
I told Travis about my little endeavore and he decided to investigate. He found that a mouse had been living in the drawer underneath the oven! No, the mouse was not in there but there was a ton of droppings. He cleaned it out and let it run on 500 degrees for awhile. with all the windows open.
After all that I was still paranoid to use it so I bought some heavy duty oven cleaner. It made it look almost new! the scary thing is I don't know if that smell is engraved in my head or if it still does smell but I think I smell it still when I open the oven.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dress ups or things to come???
The other day Shali had a friend over and they went straight for their dress ups. I was laughing so hard at what Shali came up with. She came out wearing the undershirt to one of her fairy costumes which has one strap broken. (I know I'm lazy for not fixing it but I hate to sew.) And for the bottom, it is one of her ice skating skirts. Flimsy and short short, well because you wear it ice skating. AND of course, the plastic heals. She looked like she was gloing clubbing.
She was very creative at coming up with another costume so everyone had one. Savanna likes to wear her supergirl costume. What she's holding in her hands is a little apron that she got for her birthday. She likes to wear it on top of her costume.
Their friend came out with a costume on backwards.
It reminds me of when Celine Dion wore a tux backwards to the oscars.
But atleast she is modest.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The rain came down and floods came up
Well a few days later I was walking into my bedroom and some water squished up from the side of the wood floor! My first thought was the girls spilled some water. Then I thought the bathroom sink was leaking. Travis was smart as usual and looked into the laundry room where the main drain is and we had a few inches of water in there. IT WAS BACKING UP!!!
We grabbed all the towels we could but it kept coming. It started to seep into our new hotel carpet! We couldn't stop the floods from coming. We tried calling a plumber but it was upwards of 300 at night we we decided to wait till morning.
We took apart our room and shoved everything to one side. My computer desk made a great night stand! I kind of missed it when we put it back.
In the morning we got a plumber and some fans to dry our carpet. Luckily it was bath water that came out of the drain and not um *cough* other stuff.
Welcome to Hotel Burnett de casa
Through Travis's work they are connected to this thing called Tradia where you can do work for trade and get other things back. Well we dove in and searched for carpet. It took awhile for them to get back to us and then they told us how things would go down. They would come install the carpet for free and we could get whatever surplus carpet they had for free. All we had to do was buy the padding. I figured we could do that.
So Travis went to pick up the carpet samples we could choose from. Over the phone he sounded really excited. IT WAS A CRUEL JOKE! He came back with grey pokey office carpet and this weird flower carpet that looks like it came from a hotel!!!
I asked Travis what other options we had like getting remnants or something. But it all came back to that one thing, MONEY. So we decided to go with the flower looking hotel carpet.
So now I have my very own hotel! The weird thing is it goes with every color we painted on the wall. The girls room has pink in it, the hallway is green and the other rooms are browny beige. and it hides things a little too well. We keep stepping on little toys and what not because it blends in with the carpet.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Let them eat cake!
Wendover pt.3: the Gambler . . .
Candilander told us about this amazing thing that when you sit at a slot machine or something they bring around FREE WATER AND SODA!!! Smelly and I were really looking forward to this. We sat down and kept our eyes pealed for the drink lady(for lack of better term). After I was down two dollars we decided to switch machines. And then we heard that glorious sound of the waitress saying "free drinks?"!!! Smelly and I both said cherry coke at the same time. There version of cherry coke is coke with marchino cherries in it. Not the premade stuff. OOOOH were we excited.
As soon as we had our drinks we went to find Candilander being I was down another dollar. We finally found her and she didn't want to say how much she had lost. She was very annoyed that I was only down 3 dollars. I headed for the penny slots because thats what I'm best at and its only a penny! Smelly found another video poker machine and Candilander sat next to me. I told her I had to win my three dollars back. Not even kidding, the third time I pushed the button it started beeping because its all electronic now and it doesn't ding. I was thinking yay I might get my three dollars! When it hit that point it kept on going and I started to laugh. It beeped for about 5 minutes. I had won 1247 credits which translates to $12.47! Ya baby!
If that had been a dollar machinge I would have over one thousand dolalrs, but I dont play those because I'm not supposed to gamble. . . .
Candilander gave me that annoyed look and was being gitty for my 12 dollars. I printed my voucher and ended it there. We headed to the cash machine so I could get my 12 dollars and Smelly could get her two dollars. I think Candilander was embarresed by us but we all have fun.
here's a link to Smelly's podcast of our trip.|_emLogs_|_Wendover.html
Friday, February 6, 2009
What were you thinking???
Just a random toilet sitting in the parking lot. I then asked him while I was laughing but he said it was in a box. I was kind of disappointed. Oh well, my thoughts are better.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Tree of Life
The other amazing point of interest of the drive to Wendover is a sculpture! Its some tree that looks like it has tennis balls and croquet balls stuck to it. I found out more information when I googled it!!
Metaphor: The Tree of Utah is an 87 feet (26.5 m) tall sculpture that was created by the Swedish artist Karl Momen in the 1980s and dedicated in 1986. It is located in the desolate Great Salt Lake Desert of Utah on the north side of I-80 about 25 miles east of Wendover, Utah. The sculpture, which is constructed mainly of concrete, consists of a squarish 'trunk' holding up six spheres that are coated with natural rock and minerals native to Utah. There are also several hollow sphere segments on the ground around the base. The sculpture is also sometimes called the Tree of Life and was visited by the contestants on the The Amazing Race: Family Edition in 2005.
Inscribed on the plaque are the words: "A hymn to our universe whose glory and dimension is beyond all myth and imagination." It has been said that Momen was moved to create the 87 foot tall tree by the "vastness and relative emptiness" of the Bonneville Salt Flats, and that the tree "brings space, nature, myth and technology together"
Who new it was on a TV show. I must have missed that episode. Any way we had fun stopping at the tree.
In the middle of that broken piece there was a very tiny frozen pool. It was fun.
Salt Flats
The drive there is not a very interesting drive. When you look to the left. . .. nothing, to the right .. . . nothing but possibly a mountain in the distance. The first major thing you pass is the salt factory. What a great place to get salt since they are next to The Great Salt Lake AND the Bonniville Salt Flats!
We stopped at a rest stop to play at the salt flats.
*Insert Smelly's picture here*
We also discovered at the rest stop there was a pet corral, with no gate. Is it the designated poop area? No, because as we discovered on the Salt Flats, there was poop everywhere. There is no gate on the corral to lock up your horse or cow or um sheep. So I don't really understand the point of it but it made some fun pictures.
*again, insert picture here when Smelly e-mails me them.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
lose something?
About an hour later I decided it was time to go home because Kaila was helping me unwrap presents instead of wrap them. I grabbed my shoes to put them on and I sat down and felt a lump by my ankle. I FOUND THE APPLE SLICE! It was in the cuff of my pants. A little background as to why I couldn't find it. The sewing machine and I are not friends. I bought a pair of pants that was slightly too long. So I decided just to have a cuff . . . . that is 4 inches long. So that's why I couldn't find the apple. Moral of the story: hem your pants!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Faceless Pictures. Insert here!
Although now that I actually look at the pictures, its kind of weird and creepy to see Savanna as a mermaid with umm that chest. Maybe I should delete it.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
For Christmas this year my sister surprised me and gave me a photo of me sitting on Santa's lap when I was little. She has been working on scanning slides and she came across this one. She put it in a cute little frame and took the time to hot glue little red jingle bells all around the frame. Only problem was the glue didn't like the surface so I am slowly losing little red balls everywhere. I giver her an A for effort though.
As I look closer at the picture I noticed there was something funny. She scanned the slide in backwards because there is a sign above me that is supposed to say NEW but instead it says WEN.
I pointed this out to her and then she showed me a candy cane growing out of my head. Which is a huge Faux pa in the photography world.
Then she told me she looked closer and saw an arm growing out of the side of me which was holding the candy cane growing out of my head. Ya, it Lisa who gave me the picture sabotaging me.
Everybody needs to have fun
We make it up to our room and we have a while before bed time plus they've been sleeping in the car so there's no way they are going to sleep. With a little encouragement from me we started to jump around the room from bed to bed and to the chairs. It was a blast. Who say's you
can't have fun in the middle of no where!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Gross things kids do.
This morning as I was getting the girls ready, I was brushing Shali's hair and found a big wad of gum stuck at the end. I was able to get it out with out shaving her head. Apparently I left it on the counter because this afternoon she comes in chewing gum. I asked her where she got it and she said from Katie. There were only two peices of gum in the envelope and Savanna had the other. Eventually I got her to confess she grabbed it off the counter and started chewing it again. Boy was she mad I made her spit it out.